Division III prospects

Division III Prospects Finally Have a Commitment Letter to Sign

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

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NCAA Division III prospects have long felt shortchanged in not having an NCAA National Letter of Intent to sign. Forced to stand by as classmates and peers signed with Division I and Division II schools. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. Unfortunately, Division III prospects had nothing showing they had officially committed to their school.

“I felt left out when the kids who had committed to D-I or D-II received the attention and publicity on signing day while I stood in the crowd,” said Audrey Hester, who played four years of lacrosse at Randolph-Macon College in Virginia.

NSR scouts were at a loss, too.

Division III Prospects have a Commitment Letter to Sign

That changed when the NCAA voted to permit Division III prospects to sign “a standard, non-binding athletics celebratory signing form, which would be crafted by the NCAA and distributed to Division III schools so they can affix it to school letterhead and provide it to the student-athletes.”

Additionally, some D-III coaches pushed to take the measure a step farther. They wanted it to be binding.

According to an NCAA press release, “Marci Sanders, volleyball coach at the University of Texas at Dallas, said a binding document would save coaches valuable time. They wouldn’t need to continue recruiting athletes who have committed amid constant worries that other programs might poach them.  She said she has frequently been embarrassed to tell them that their only option besides signing a blank piece of paper was to print and sign a document such as college admissions letters or academic scholarship offers, which are typically submitted by the student online.”

But when the matter came to a vote before the division’s representatives, the legislation fell short of that ultimate mark.

Steve Fritz, director of athletics at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota), was slow to support the proposal by noting that the non-binding caveat had stayed in place. He eventually came around to accept the idea.

“It ensures that academics, not athletics, govern Division III student-athletes’ college choices,” Fritz said. “That’s why we added a rule that students cannot use the form until they have been accepted to attend the institution.”

Only 1% of high school athletes will get the opportunity to play their sport at the NCAA Division 1 level. NCAA D2 and D3 programs are outstanding options for athletes wanting to pursue their dream. NAIA and JUCO options are also wonderful opportunities for aspiring athletes. Parents and athletes who want to play college athletics and receive scholarships need to have a scout evaluate them. An NSR scout can provide that real evaluation needed to know the RIGHT fit. Click the button below to start your recruiting process today!

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.

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20 thoughts on “Division III Prospects Finally Have a Commitment Letter to Sign

  1. Thank you this is so important my daughter has played softball all her entire childhood life and now that she has committed to a D-3 school she can sign like everyone else. She could have gone D1 or D2 but decided that education comes first. She is excited and thank you so much.

    Carolyn Caccamo / Mother
    Gabriella Caccamo/ Daughter


  3. If it’s not a letter of intent and it’s not binding, then it’s all fantasy and make believe.

    The people who are getting shortchanged here are the D1 and D2 kids who have earned athletic scholarships and have to share their signing day with kids who don’t have the talent or work ethic or both to earn a scholarship just because the latter cried or bitched or moaned and said they were entitled. The fact is, anybody can “sign” and play d3. All you have to do is have a heartbeat and pay your tuition bill. What’s the accomplishment in that?

    • You are dumb as hell to think that anyone can play at the D3 level and should be looked over because they are a lower division. It’s people’s mindset like yours on why people down play lower levels. It’s plenty of kids talented enough to go D2 or higher but just have not gotten the recognition or chance at a higher level. It’s not because of a lack of skill or dedication it’s because they don’t get recognition.

    • Pure ignorance in a comment like that. Clearly you are unaware of many talented athletes who decide to play division 3 for academic reasons. Many have turned down division 1 scholarships to play division 3, since division 3 focus is on academics as opposed to the sport. I am sure there are many high level division 3 athletic programs that could easily beat division 1 its just that the student and school has different priorities. After all at the end of the day its about academics and a career outside of college.

    • That’s such a silly thing to say. My son chose to go to a D3 school for many reasons. He is still a highly qualified athlete who works his ass of and is excellent at what he does. That is ridiculous to not give him the chance to sign a NIL when he has worked hard his whole like just like those who go to D1 or D2.

    • Actually, all these kids who have commented have worked hard to get to any level regardless of the division. I know personally my son has. He was offered several D1 offers but would prefer to play at a higher D3 level. So yes all athletes deserve to be recognized!

    • No guys – you’ve got it all wrong. D2 is clearly the father of a …….wait for it – a D2 athlete. He literally couldn’t get over the fact that little d2fan junior didn’t get recruited in D1. So now – of course – the bullied becomes the bully. Hey D2 fan – my kid plays D1 and guess what? I’ve heard MANY idiot parents (idiots) on my kids D1 making fun of D2 athletes for the EXACT SAME REASONS in your wonderful message. And let me guess, you’re the loud guy on the sidelines (whatever freaking sport it doesn’t matter) that didn’t get recruited D1himself and now literally rides little d2fan jr.’s coat tails. I bet d2 fan jr. never got enough playing time right? Does d2 fan junior even play? I bet you still call the college coach don’t ya? He must love you. I love you d2 fan – the world is so much more interesting with you in it….By the way – go to the Paul Short Invitational every fall and watch some humble D3 cross country runners crushing their D1 counterparts. It’s so disgusting that D3 runners are even allowed in that race though – right? OK I’m done.

  4. You are right joel. I had offers from d1 and d2 schools but chose a d3 because of the school and that i can play right away. There are many d3 players that can play d1 and dominate. Most dont get scene because of there club size.

  5. I’m so glad that my daughter will be signing her letter this month of January. She’s worked hard and she chose D3 for academics but also loves the sport (Softball) regardless it is an honor and I’m excited for her. Like someone said in a post, ultimately it is about the academics and a career outside of college.

  6. My daughter had D1&D2 offers, but her major would be nursing. The coaches were strongly advised her to choose another major. Of course she didn’t, but chose an awesome D3 private University that would allow and support her decision to major in Nursing. She can can play basketball and get a wonderful paid education due to her SAT scores and 4.3 GPA. So to the person who thinks D3 is a fantasy, get a life.

    • We are so happy to hear about your daughter’s positive recruiting journey. We tell all of our prospects that choosing a college or university shouldn’t be just about athletics and should be something that will help you with your life after athletics.

  7. This is great news. My daughter could have played D1 or D2 soccer but chose a competitive D3 school for academics. She will be a biology major and still get to play the game she loves. She is fully aware that education comes first.

    • According to the NCAA, A coach or an institutional representative may not hand deliver the NLI off the institution’s campus or be present off campus at the time of signing the NLI per NCAA rules.

  8. Well I glad my son got D3 and we are happy we believe in God and he know what right and what wrong and I know my son is a great football player no matter what your division is do your best is what you should say to your kids

  9. d2 fan is ignorant. You should have at least some knowledge of the subject before commenting. My daughter passed on many D1 full scholarships and some even offered several thousand in stipend each year. But my daughter said she will play for the university that offers her the best education in her field. Getting accepted to a university with only a 17% acceptance rate is quite an achievement. My daughter is intelligent enough to realize injury can end an athlete’s career in an instance. Never made a “B” in her life. National honor society member. AP classes, 4.33 GPA on a 4.0 weighted scale. Started playing her sport at the age of 4 1/2. Was ranked 21 in the nation. Will be playing for a 7 time national champion D3 team that has finished 1st or 2nd the last 6 years! The facilities for this D3 school is awesome. This university even had their own health care. I doubt d2 fan would even consider a university like this.

  10. I am glad Stumbled on this thread.
    My son was recruited by quite a few colleges at all levels to play soccer including some of the big D1 programs (also a bunch of the NAIA scholarship schools).
    He made a choice based entirely on the academics and school culture and chose one of the top academic institutions in the country which happens to be D3.
    What it came down to was what he wanted in life not just the next 4 or 5 years. We found that the majority of the D2 school programs we talked to were more of a catch basin for athletes that still held out hope to pursue the sport beyond college and that they were not as strong academically as the top D1 and D3 schools. From an academic perspective…the top D3 liberal arts colleges provided the most balance and for students with a strong ACT or SAT and GPA…incredible financial value. Especially when you looked at Alumni involvement and support. I would highly recommend that more athletes who have a strong academic foundation look seriously at the top 50 D3 Liberal arts colleges.

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