Your Time is NOW!

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.

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Jump on the Fast Train to Put Yourself in the Best Recruiting Postion

Wanting to play college sports is important to you.  It’s what you’ve wanted to do since you were very young.  But, when should you act on this desire?  What can you do to improve your chances, to put yourself in the position to actually be recruited by college coaches?  These are key questions you should be thinking about and answering sooner than later.  Why?  In recruiting, every day counts.

You are in a unique position to accomplish a goal which many kids want to achieve, but few actually reach.  They wait for their parents to act or they depend on their coaches to contact college coaches.  But, and this is very important to understand, being recruited is all about what you do now, today.  There is no time to waste. 

Coaches begin noticing and evaluating prospects as early as the ninth grade in high school.  Do college coaches really know about you now?  When coaches find out about you they will send an initial letter of recognition.  That is, they let you know that they are aware of you as an athlete.  How many of these letters do you have now?  No matter what grade you are in, how many letters have you received?  Getting one of these recognition letters does not mean you are being recruited, but at the very least, you are on their recruiting list.  To get on these lists, you must act, not wait.  And then you must do much, much more to keep their attention.  

Sometimes the problem you might face is that your parents and coaches think you should wait – that you are too young and that coaches don’t pay attention to freshmen and sophomores.  Ask the juniors you know who have followed this advice.  What results have they gotten by waiting?  It’s understandable to a point because very few parents and high school coaches are truly locked into the recruiting process.  It’s what they think works, but it’s not the best course to take. 

If you want to be recruited, waiting serves no constructive purpose.  While you wait, other prospects are being more aggressive and they are getting noticed.  Coaches are starting files on them and tracking their progress.  When they go to tournaments, they look those kids up and evaluate them in person.  If you are not on their list of prospects to watch, someone else is.  That is a guarantee.  They have the advantage over you and unless you change courses, you will be left out, overlooked or only receive leftover scholarships.  You simply will not have the choices you rightfully deserve as a college prospect. 

In sports, the team or person that prepares best usually wins.  They’ve learned how to get the upper hand.  They’ve made a plan.  And, they’ve worked hard to make that plan a reality.  For you, that means finding the very best way to win the recruiting race.  It is a marathon, not a sprint.  But, if you wait, you will experience the anxiety of sprint-for-your-life recruiting. 

You are facing stiff competition from all across America, if not around the globe.  You’ve heard of the Global Economy?  Well, as a college prospect, you are part of Global Recruiting.  Look at college rosters in your sport.  Read player profiles.  Coaches recruit prospects not just from their area or state, but from other parts of the United States and foreign countries.  For you to get a scholarship offer, you must compete at that level.  Getting your name in the local newspaper will not do it for you.  Playing on a travel or club team or playing in regional games, matches or meets will not do it for you.  You have to do more today.

In a recent survey of college coaches at a national college sports convention, nearly all of the coaches surveyed say they access recruiting services as one of their recruiting sources.  Advancements in Internet technology allow coaches to evaluate prospects at their office desks.  They can watch online video and profiles.  But, and this is another important point, coaches don’t surf the Web to find recruits.  They go to reliable sources, Web sites which are proven to provide them with quality student-athletes who have been scouted and weeded out by professionals.  They cannot rely on the info that moms and dads send them or post on free sites.  So, they go to the known recruiting sites which have a solid history and reputation for offering them really good prospects with the grades and ability to actually play college sports. 

Today is your day to start.  Don’t wait another minute.  Get moving toward reaching your goal.  Go to a professional high school scouting site like National Scouting Report to get your profile in front of colleges now.  There is no time like now to get involved and ahead of the recruiting game.  You can sit and wait with everyone else, or you can hop on the fast train.  Which will you do?  Call NSR.  We will get you the notice you deserve.

National Scouting Report is dedicated to finding scholarship opportunities for athletes who possess the talent, desire, and motivation to compete at the collegiate level. We’ve helped connect thousands of athletes with their perfect college.

If you are ready to take your recruiting to the next level, click the Get Scouted button below to be evaluated by an NSR College Scout.

Get Scouted  Scouting Careers

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